Short Comic - Mighty Magiswords

Based on a chapter of season one (I think it's the second or third chapter).
Well, when I watched this chapter the perverted imagination was active hahaha ...

Tentacles + Tentacles + witch = warrior being fucked in many ways.

Enjoy and comment!!


Basic script that I usually create and work.

Script - Mighty Magiswords XXX
Characters - Vambre Warrior, Morbidia and Monster Powder
Scenario - Chapter Too Many Warriors

Detail * Morbidia used magic and turned the tentacles into a penis.

Q1- Shows Vambre's butt, one tentacle penetrating its hole and another beating.

Q2- Shows half body of Vambre, and his face is flushed and tongue out, breasts swaying.

Q3- Shows a tentacle inside Vambre's ass, is ejaculating.

Q4- Shows Morbia's body half, she's laughing a lot

Q5- Big frame - all the characters are appearing, Morbidia is using her magic in the Octopus and in Vambre, The Octopus is happy and looking at Vambre, around has several tentacles, Vambre is showing the butt to the reader and a tentacles inside Your butt.
The magic of Morbia has made Vambre's breasts expand

Vambre - I like that! Please do not stop!



  1. it's great but you could make a comic of mighty magiswords with more pages your art style is great and it would be great to make a

    1. Thanks!! These short pages are simple ideas that come to mind, but yes, I would like to create a comics with more pages of this animated series.
      Thanks again friend !!!


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