Catalog Item Information

 Catalog Item Information

- Keychain

There are 10 units each character

Value 6 dollars each


- Cup holder

There are 15 units the kit with 4 cup holder

Value 10 dollars each kit (with 4 cup holder)


- KIT Brewer

There are 10 units in the kit, it contains the following products

1- Keychain (you can choose the character)

1- Bottle Opener with magnet (random)

4- Cup holder

Value 20 dollars each Kit

How to purchase a product

Only send an email if you are really interested in purchasing any item from the catalog.

Send an email with the SUBJECT "PRODUCTS"

Within the email describe the items you want to purchase, also place your ...

Full name

Full address


I will use your address to verify the shipping to your country of origin, then I will send the value of the items + shipping, if you accept the value, make the payment, Thank you!

PAYPAL payment only

Wait, I will be sending the tracking number to your email.


Contact email


I will answer the emails in order of arrival

Yes, you can buy more than 1 item 


Other doubts, send an email or DA note 


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